Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Don't let the world EVER tell you how to be a Christian. They don't have the faith you have. They don't have the knoweldege you have. They don't have the God you have. HA!

Do what the Word says. Be Bold. Love God. Love Others. Let the Love of God pour out of you that they have NO CHOICE but to encounter Him everytime they encounter you! Working my way up folks! Not quite there yet, but I'm putting the Devil under my feet and going to march boldly forward!

In encourage you to do the same. But remember to let God order your steps! We are mighty men and women of God! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. You will get mocked, made fun of, some Christians are even being killed! But this world is not our home. Don't be afraid! Stand up for God, and He will do the same for you. He already has! Think about it! (The Cross)

P.S. Being bold does NOT mean being cocky. It means, not being a wimp when it comes to what you believe, and not letting the world push you over! We've all had those people that challenge ou faith -- they won't go away. So prepare yourselves for battle, and bring the Sword (the Word) with you!!! Carry it in your heart always.

Love ya much!


Monday, May 17, 2010

Opening Up To God

Quote by Max Lacado: Let God have you, and let God love you -- and don't be surprised if your heart begins to hear music you've never heard and your feet learn to dance as never before.

THIS IS TRUE! I've experienced so much Joy this past year by just opening myself up to God. Even though the troubles of the world are great, God's love is Greater, and to some that's not a real solution, but I'm here to say that IT'S VERY REAL INDEED!

We must not live by the laws of this world, rather by the Law of our true home -- Heaven. The home that should be more real to you than this earth! God will provide! He must provide. All we need to do is trust him and keep moving forward!

I challenge you to let God have you. When you let go of you and allow more of Him, Miracles happen!!! HE WILL USE YOU! Things that used to be hard (singing, dancing, praising, talking about God to others) become easy as pie!!!

How do you do this? Easy!!! Read His Word (The Bible)! I am sooo serious! Serious as a heart attack in an elderly obese man who was raised on fried pork chops and mac and cheese since infancy. Ha! Seriously -- Your faith will grow and your insecurities about everything will decrease! Why? Because you have filled your cup to the brim of the Truth!!! The only Truth!

There's is so much more to say...But we will start with Reading the Word. How do you fight off and kill the enemy with no sword?! Pick up that sword and learn how to use it!!! Let's all grow today in our Spirtual journey's together!

Love ya much!!!
P. Wood