Tuesday, September 29, 2009

How Raw is too Raw?

For those of you who don't know, I am a Director/Filmmaker. But more importantly, I am a Christian - a Believer of our Lord Jesus Christ. And as a believer I have come to the realization that my passion and talent in filmmaking should be used to do the Will of God. The Will of God? That's so vague. What do I mean by that? Well, the Will of God is the Word of God, and the Word of God is the Bible. So by follwing the Word of God, is doing the Will of God.

Sounds easy right? HA! Sure...whatever you say.

Lately I've been struggling with how "real" to make my characters, and how "real" to make their situation. What are the right things, and wrong things for them to say and do? What stories do I tell and how far do I take it? Because there's a chance that the people and stories I choose to portray - might confuse people and cause controversy in the Church. Usually Christian films deal with "real" subject matter, but they execute it poorly. Many people (saved and unsaved) tune out of the film or flip the channel, because they automatically know that what they are watching is "fake".

You see I don't believe that a Christian filmmaker has to make "LAME" movies. They can if they want to, but I don't believe that we HAVE to. But we get caught up in, if I can't be shown in the church then I need to change a few things to make it socially acceptable. When in fact when we take out those graphic scenes, and vulgarity all we are left with is a powerful story with no truth. Becaue the WORLD isn't all peaches and creme. The WORLD is the scum under your fingernails after you've picked your nose and wiped your tail without washing you hands. Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that people should write every detail of a sexual act or a character should say everything he's thinking. NO, not saying that at all. But as a Christian filmmaker what am I allowed to create? Can I create a sex scene like the one in "Monster Ball", or tell an inspirational story through the eyes of a pimp in "Hustle and Flow", or even portray gay love in a film like "Brokeback Mountain" and still call myself a Christian filmmaker?

I believe the answer is yes. If I do my job correctly I should be able to protray a "real" world experience/person and still succesfully give God the glory, or have a positive message overall, or give the audience a revalation or insight into something they overlooked in thier own lives.

I believe that we (Christian Filmmakers) can create dark movies with everything that "real" movies have and still win hearts to God. But the fear is that people will critisize and question your faith because you choose to have a character curse like a sailor, or enjoy molesting little children, or portraying the most graphic depiction of Jesus Christ's final days on earth.

But I guess as with anything, there will be critiquing and disagreements and controversy, especially when dealing with the church. So I just need to grow a pair of balls and take it like a man...

I am ok with this, because my audience isn't the church. It's the unsaved and the Christians who don't have their stuff together. Just like there are different churches with different missions - I am a Christian filmmaker on a different assignment than the rest. So does it bother me that the nature of my films may be too graphic and Rated-R for the churches to play on Sundays? No. Because it's not for the church. It's about the overall impact of the film in todays society.

Sigh...Does this make any sense? lol


  1. That's a very good question to consider. First of all: In your religion, God created blood, dirt, and pain, right? Further: I think what's most important in any story is that the characters remain true, and the rules of their environment remain true. Meaning, if you have a nasty man, he'd better remain true to that character profile and if he has the chance to do something nasty, he's got to do it. Likewise, if your characters are living in a world where there's vulgar actions surrounding them at all times, then the act of hiding obscenities would be leaving out that essential environmental trait. All of these things aid in creating your underlying message, as you've said, which will in turn deliver your divine message.

  2. Paula, it should be easy enough to find a pair lying around!! I have seen enough lame Christian movies made by men!! :)

    Don't get me wrong....I am conservative, but the reality I see in too many Christian movies do not reflect the reality of my life...or my Bible!!
