Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Ask And You Shall Recieve

Man-o-man is this true! A few months ago, I hit a dry spell. I couldn't write ANYTHING. So frustrating. So I prayed for God to inspire me and you know what ya'll?! HE DID! Thank you Jesus! So much so, that my BRAIN HURTS! hahaha. Seriously, I have so much to write and so much that I want to say, I can hardly get it out, because it hurts to focus on one idea...SUPERFANTASTICALLY WEIRD!

I mean these ideas won't go away! LOL. Not that I want them too. It's just that, I'm scatter-brained enough...I don't need to add the chaos of mixing 10 completely different stories together causing this...hmmmm. Wait. That's not a bad idea actually. I once had a professor tell me that many of our ideas are elements that can be combined to contribute to one successful story. Maybe that's why I can't write a complete story from these ideas. Maybe they are just the elements. I'm gonna have to create a Captain Planet! "With your powers combined - I. AM. CAPTAIN PLANET!" lol.

But anywho, what I'd like to pass along from this wonderful blessing is that NOTHING or no place in your life is uninspiring. Even if you're working at McDonald's dropping fries, or a waitress at a Cafe, or behind the desk as a Receptionist when you want to be creating GREAT MASTERFUL FILMS WITH AWESOMELY INSPIRING SUBJECT MATTER...lol --remember you can get the most whacked out ideas from the most boring and mundane things in life.

Remember God has a plan for us, and you have to believe that. I heard Derek Luke at a Q & A say, "If you have a dream, know that God put it there." "If you have a skill, know that God gave it to you". God has already equipped us with everything we need, all we need to do is to believe. HA! Ask and you shall receive and don't under estimate the power of speaking things into existence either. We are all made in God's image, and we all have the ability to speak words of Power. But it wont happen unless you BELIEVE.

Matthew 21:21
Then Jesus told them, "I assure you, if you have faith and don't doubt, you can do things like this and much more. You can even say to this mountain, `May God lift you up and throw you into the sea,' and it will happen. If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer."

Whenever you're feeling a bit discouraged, just put on your "blinders" (don't look at what everyone else around you is doing) and know that God has got your back! He's just waiting for you to Believe.

Does that make sense? Comments welcome ;)

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