Tuesday, January 19, 2010

No Penguin Yet.

Geez. I was doing good. Not thinking about no men. (Yes, I know that's bad english)Just focusing on God. But lately I've been all out of whack...Everywhere I look everyone is married, or getting married. Definitely not hating...it's just that I want to have a love like that. Someone to share everything with. Someone to know, and for them to know me. I know that God will provide, I'm just...venting my loneliness. But I shouldn't feel lonely because I have God right? Ugg...I need to watch a movie.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Chapter 23 January 8, 2010

There's nothing like being around other artists!!! Especially when they are Believers! It's like we are all small rivers following our own paths and when we come together it's like flowing into the sea, forming a giant mass of creativity that brings together the new and bold from the many different areas that contribute to it's power.

There's something about men and women of God coming together to create in His name. I recently spent an entire day with two talented men of God who make music in His name. What an awesome time we had! Being ourselves, and openly and freely talking about God, His word and how to better reach His people!

2010 is going to be the year ladies and gentlemen! The year where God is going to pour out His blessings on those who ask AND BELIEVE. And believe me -- I AM ASKING and I BELIEVE!

It's my goal this year to operate in Kingdom principles! No longer will the laws of man and nature hinder me from believing! The Bible says that "...God is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think according to the power that works within us..." Ephesians 3:20-21.

Reading this verse today was an example of God's perfect timing. I am currently slated to direct this independent feature film that has a HUGE budget...think, "Lord of the Rings"!!!. So anyway, I was talking with some friends and made the statement that that amount of money can't be obtained in less than a year. The practical man in me KNOWS that this is IMPOSSIBLE. But my "spirit man" beat me up so bad when those words escaped my mouth. It was screaming to me that "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13 It was also screaming that with God there is no time...HE CREATED TIME...lol. If he wanted to he could create a tree in my back yard that grew dollar bills for leaves...lol!!

Miracles happened all the time throughout the Bible and in the ordinary lives of believers; so why do we think that God can't provide in our lives? (Talking to myself). Jesus fed thousands of people from a 2 piece fish dinner (cleverly put by my Pastor), Moses parted the Red Sea, the disciples cast out demons and healed the sick along with the many other miracles and where performed in the Bible and in out everyday lives. All of these seemingly impossible tasks have been done by those who believe and operate in the fullness of their "spirit man". All of them operated in Kingdom principles, which simply means bringing Heaven to Earth! There's no sickness in heaven, no poverty, no evil, no suffering... What we have to realize is that we have to believe what we preach to others. That God WILL provide, but more importantly that God is GOD. He can do ANYTHING!!! Even the things that are unthinkable!

Until Next Time family -- God Bless and take care!!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Chapter 23 January 6, 2010

Transparency. How much should the world know about me and my life? Should I keep it surface level and write about what I did during the day, or should I be totally transparent and reveal the inner most being of what makes me, Me.

Random Thought: What do I think about all the time? For those that know me, know that I think about Love. I think about the Love of God and how grateful I am to have a God that loves me so much. It brings me to tears everytime I think about God and how much he has done for me and what he has promised me in the future. A song I recently heard puts it perfectly: "If he doesn't do anything else for me, He's done enough." And by that I mean that He sent his Son Jesus, to die for us all, so that we are given the opportunity to spend eternity in Heaven with Him.

I also think about how I can Love others the way that Jesus loved people during his time on earth. Loving those that love you is easy, but doing the same for the ones who can't stand you, or worse the ones you can't stand, is hard.

And then ultimately I think about romantic Love. Hoping that one day I can find that person to pour my soul into and them into me. The man that can sweep me off my feet and who will stand by my side through all the things the enemy will throw at us. Not a worldly man after worldy things, rather a man of God seeking spiritual things. A man that Loves God above all else, and knows how to treat and cherish a woman of God.

It's easy to loose focus in this giant world he live in. Everything is against us and is pulling the world more and more away from God. But guess what!?!!!! WE ARE SUPERSTARS!!! And we can turn people back towards God. People out there know that the world is ... crap. But there's no one in their lives giving them the real deal about Jesus. It's our time ladies and gentleman! Our time to use what God has given us to save souls and point them to Christ! Whose ready! I AM!!!

I might play around with that idea in a short documentary...hummm. Gotta get this money for this camera first. Once I get this bad boy...Can't NO ONE stop me baby!!!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

I can't

Stop saying YOU CAN'T, and start saying YOU CAN!